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Your health is
our priority

Improving your quality of life - is our goal!

Our drinkable food supplements are easy to use, tasty, and they support your daily vitamin and mineral needs

Following cutting-edge scientific research, we have created effective therapeutic products that support your sleep rhythm, help reduce stress, and boost your energy levels. 

كل منتج لدينا له تأثيره الخاص وتأثيره على صحتك اليومية. 

الجودة والسلامة عنصرين أساسين في تطوير وإنتاج منتجات كيوركابس.

Unlocking the health potential 

With vitamins, diminishing doctor visits. 
Embrace the transformative influence of vitamins, 
Paving the path to a healthier you, reducing medical reliance.


Scientifically based formulas with proven therapeutic effect
Curocaps was developed by a team of experienced specialists and scientists led by Dr. Peter Aelbrecht

In addition to the development and production of our biodegradable Nespresso® compatible capsules, they also worked on our extraordinary formulas

Each Curocaps is produced from A-Z in Belgium and is 100% scientifically based on the most recent scientific studies

Discover all our formulas 

Do you want to enjoy the daily routine ? Do you want to get

 a healthy life ? Or do you want to support your vitamins ?

Join the club! Curocaps can give you a helping hand here.

Discover all our scientifically proven formulas.


Why nutritional supplements?

  • Because the nutrient content in our food is significantly reduced
  • We eat unbalanced and choose processed foods more easily. So it's time to replenish our minerals and vitamins with supplements
  • We consume more vitamins and minerals due to stress and irregular life. That calls for some extra support!
  • A daily ritual, such as drinking tasty Curocaps, can help you maintain your compliance
  • Supporting your immunity is everyone's priority today. We can help you with that!

We want to support your health

Support your daily vitamin and mineral needs

Support a balanced metabolism

Contribute to maintaining your natural defenses